Neo Developer Apps

鎖屏點兩下 1.0.3
Neo Developer
想鎖屏?想關螢幕?還在按電源鍵嗎?還在害怕手機電源鍵不知道什麼時候壞掉嗎?還在疑問為什麼有點兩下開啟手機螢幕,卻沒有點兩下關閉手機螢幕嗎?這個App解決你的問題與疑問現在就下載吧! ! ! ! !或有問題與建議歡迎來信: [email protected] to lock screen?Wantto turn off the screen? Also press the power button do?Still afraid of the phone does not know when the power buttonisbroken it?Still wonder why a little under two open phone screen, notwoclosed little phone screen it?This App solve your problems and questionsDownload it now!!!!!Or have problems and suggestions pleaseemail:[email protected]